avian flight pens

large owl flight pen

Our large owl flight pen is 60' X 40' X 25'.  

This aviary was built by NORTEL employees as a team building exercise. THANK YOU NORTEL!

This enclosure was designed to comply with international standards for housing brown bears. Beginning in 2017, the Cochrane Ecological Institute began developing the concept of a project for the rehabilitation and release back to the wild of orphaned Bear cubs. Although the pen was specifically designed to Grizzly Bear cubs standards it can be used for Black Bear cubs as well.

The minimum size of an orphaned bear cub enclosure as required by the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council is 20m X 40m, and this is the size called for by AEP. ALL CEI enclosures are bigger than the minimum and all have natural substrate, water feature and trees.

The enclosure has a Closed Circuit TV system to facilitate Behavioural observations. Examples of the output can be seen below.

"bear pool" enclosure

Our "Bear Pool" is a 1 acre enclosure with natural substrate, featuring 8 ft high chainlink fencing, 4 strand electric
fencing plus single strand on 4 ft overhang and double entry doors. As well as being well tree'd, the enclosure has insulated housing with an interior view of the indoor den and outdoor enclosure from corridor. Separated by a steel exit door to the 1 acre, keeps our technicians safe. There is also a viewing point from above the enclosure for species monitoring. 

Our "Bear Pool" also opens into a separate enclosure that can be used for Bears or Lynx, consisting of two acres of natural substrate, 8 ft chainlink and 3 strand electric fence with double door entry.

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