Interpretive Centre:

The CEI Interpretive Centre is of straw bale construction. It is 50' x 35' in size, with a large Gallery area, Kitchen, and toilet. There is a deep 12' veranda around the outside of the building. The Interpretive centre is used for seminars, Gallery exhibitions, musical and dance events. The CEI Interpretive Centre can be rented for private functions. There is ample parking.

Research Library:

For 20 years the CEI has been accumulating books and publications of wildlife management, endangered species management, natural history, botany, zoology, biology, parasitology, including a wide range of books on travel, and first hand accounts of explorers of North America and other countries. The Library costs of well over 5,000 books and more continue to be added every year.


the Animal Health Centre

consisting of food preparation area, walk-in freezer, offices, and treatment cages and two aquatic enclosures for waterfowl.

The Main

housing private quarters, research library, workshop.

The wildlife nursery building

containing a specifically designed wildlife nursery facility.