
Publications and Papers Based on Research at CEI

Baillie, Elizabeth, Clio Smeeton and Ken Weagle 2001, Hair Trap Design and Testing for Swift Fox, Vulpes velox Cochrane Ecological Institute, Report submitted to Parks Canada Val Marie, SK

Bremner, S. 1997. Diet and hunting behaviour of captive-bred swift fox (Vulpes velox velox/Vulpes velox hebes) intended for release. Unpub. M.Sc. thesis, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Bremner-Harrison, S, P. A. Prodohl and R. W. Elwood, 2004 : Behavioural trait assessment as a release criterion: boldness predicts early death in a reintroduction programme of captive-bred swift fox (Vulpes velox). Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Research Group, School of Biology & Biochemistry, The Queen’s University of Belfast, Medical Biology Centre, 97 Lisburn Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 7BL

C E I. 1994,a. Survey of Swift fox activity and possible release sites in Grasslands National Park (15 August to 6 September, 1994). Unpublished Report.

C E I. 1994,b. Observations of Captive Raised Swift foxes on release into Grasslands National Park, September 12th – 22nd, 1994. Unpublished Report.

Carlington, B. G. 1980. Reintroduction of the Swift fox (Vulpes velox) to the Canadian prairie. Master’s Degree Project, Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Cathy Cullingham, Ph.D.2003. Genetic Analysis of Restored Swift fox Populations;

Cochrane Wildlife Reserve. 1993. The use of “A” frame Portable Protective Structures (PPS) in the 1993 Swift fox release program in Grasslands National Park, Val Marie, Saskatchewan Canada. Unpublished Report.

Darden, S.K. 2002, Vocal Identity in the Swift fox,(Vulpes velox) –Perspectives for Conservation. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Darden, Safi K, T. Dablesteen and S.B.Pedersen .2003 A Potential Tool for Swift Fox (Vulpes velox) Conservation: Individuality of Long-Range Barking Sequences. Journal of Mammology 84(4): 1417-1427

Dennington, M 1994. Swift fox reconnaissance survey Grasslands National Park, March 1994. Prepared for Cochrane Ecological Institute by Redwing Naturalists, Creston, B.C. April 1994. Unpublished Report.

Keevil, E.J 2000: Evaluation of Attractants used for Swift Fox, Vulpes velox, hair Collection. Oxford University, unpublished project report

Klausz, E. 1997. Small mammal winter abundance and distribution in the Canadian mixed grass prairies and implications for the swift fox. M.Sc. Thesis. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. 108 pp.

Michie, J. 1994,a. Monitoring of Swift fox in Grasslands National Park, November 1994. Prepared for Cochrane Ecological Institute, Cochrane, AB. Unpublished Report.

Michie, J. 1994,b. Swift fox update in Grasslands National Park, West Block. July 18 – 26, 1994. Prepared for Cochrane Ecological Institute. Unpublished Report.

Michie, J. 1994,c. Swift fox monitoring in Masefield and Val Marie PFRA Community Pastures and their suitability as future release sites. Prepared for Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management. Unpublished Report.

Non-invasive techniques, 2001-2003. ENDANGERED SPECIES RECOVERY FUND PROGRESS REPORT Natural Resources DNA Profiling and Forensic Centre, Trent University

Reynolds, J. 1983. A plan for the reintroduction of the swift fox to the Canadian Prairies. Master’s Degree Project, Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Schroeder, C. 1987. Swift Fox Reproductive Biology in Captivity. Unpub report, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada. <

Schroeder, C. 1987. Swift Fox Reproductive Biology in Captivity. Unpub report, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada.

Scott Brown, J.M., S. Herrero, and C. Mamo. 1986. Monitoring of released swift fox in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Final report. Unpublished report. Prepared for the Canadian Wildlife Service, Contract No. 0SG83 00213.

Scott Brown, J.M., S. Herrero, and J. Reynolds. 1987. Swift fox. Pages 433-440 in Wild furbearer management and conservation in North America. Species Management. Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario.

Smeeton, C. and K. Weagle. 2000. The reintroduction of the swift fox Vulpes velox to South Central Saskatchewan, Canada. Oryx 34(3): 171-179.

Smeeton, C., K. Weagle, and S.S. Waters. 2003. Captive breeding of the swift fox at the Cochrane Ecological Institute, Alberta. In M. Sovada and L. Carbyn, Editors. The Swift Fox: Ecology and Conservation in a Changing World. Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina.

Smeeton & Weagle, 2005, Foxes on the Great Plains. Facets of Grassland Restoration, Anton Struchkov & Julia Kuleshova, Edts. Biodiversity Conservation Centre, Moscow. Russia. ISBN 5-93699-055-9

Smeeton, C. & Weagle, K. 2001. First swift fox, Vulpes velox, reintroduction in the USA: Results of the first two years. End. Sp. Update 18:167-170

Smeeton, C. 1994. Reintroducing the Swift fox. Canid News. Vol. 2, IUCN 2 13-16 Oxford University

Smeeton, C. 1998. The reintroduction of the swift Fox in Canada. 1983-1997. Reintroduction News No. 16, IUCN ISSN 1560-3709. Nairobi Kenya

Smeeton, C. 1999. Social and cultural aspects of swift fox reintroduction to Blackfeet Tribal Lands, Montana, USA. Reintroduction News No. 18, IUCN ISSN 1560 – 3709 Nairobi, Kenya.

Smeeton, C. 2000. Blackfeet Swift Fox (Vulpes velox) Reintroduction: Results of the First Two years. Endangered Species Update. Vol. 18, No.4. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

Smeeton, C. 2001. Otter Management at the Cochrane Ecological Institute. North American River Otter, Lontra (Lutra) Canadensis. Husbandry Notebook, 2nd Edition. Editor, Jan Reed-Smith, John Ball Zoological Garden, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Smeeton, C. 2002. A Story of Tiny Foxes on the Great Plains. The Open Country. No.4, Summer 2002. Moscow, Russia.pp 49 – 59

Smeeton, C., Waters, S.S. & Davies. L. In press. Captive management of orphaned black bears (Ursus americanus) intended for release. In: The Evaluation of Bear Rehabilitation Projects from a Conservationist’s Viewpoint. L. Kolter, J. van Dijk & T. Thomas (eds.). Ouwehands Zoo, Rhenen, The Netherlands.

Smeeton, C., Weagle, K. & Waters, S.S. 2003. Captive breeding of swift fox at the Cochrane Ecological Institute, Alberta. In: The Swift Fox: Ecology and Conservation of Swift Foxes in a Changing World. L.C. Carbyn & M.A. Sovada (eds.). Pp. 199-203. Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina, SA, Canada.

Smeeton, C.. 1993. Mee Yah Cha, the swift fox. Canid News. Vol 1, IUCN 7-9 Oxford University

Smeeton, M.R. 1980. Completely Foxed. Van Nostrand Rhinehold Publishers, republished 1984 Key Porter Books, and 1990 Western Producer Prairie Books

Teeling, E. C. 1996. Born to be Free: Captive Breeding as a Conservation Technique. Unpublished MSc. thesis, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Toms, S. 1996 Grass Survey of Montane Habitat. Dissertation for NRC Diploma, Newton Rigg Agricultural College, U.K.

Waters, S.S 2004, The reintroduction of captive-bred Swift Fox (Vulpes velox) to Blackfeet Tribal Lands, USA. has been accepted for the symposium ‘Catalysts for Conservation: a direction for zoos in the 21st century’. Zoological Society of London Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4RY, U.K.

Waters, S.S. and D. Ausband, 2002. Blackfeet Swift fox (Vulpes velox) Reintroduction & Monitoring Programme, unpublished report for Defenders of Wildlife, Wa. DC. 35pp

Waters, S.S. 2003 Rehabilitation and Release of Two Black Bears, Alberta, Canada. International Bear News, Quarterly Newsletter of the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA) and the IUN/SSC Bear Specialist Group. May 2003, Vol. 12, No. 2.

Waters, S.S. and C. Smeeton. 2003. New Swift Fox Reintroduction Project. Soorea, P.S. (Editor) Reintroduction News, Newsletter of the Re-introduction Specialist Group of ICN’s Species Survival Commission (SSC). Abu Dhabi, UAE.No.23: 48pp ( ISSN 1560-3709)

Weagle, K and Smeeton, C. 1995. Behavioural aspects of the swift fox (Vulpes velox) reintroduction programme. In: B. Holst (ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Enrichment, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Sian Waters, Clio Smeeton & Ken Weagle. 2013. The Human Dimension: Taking into Account Cultural Factors in Reintroduction Programmes. The
11th International Mammalogical Congress 2013. University of Belfast, 11 – 16 August 2013

Smeeton, Clio, Ken Weagle and Erlund Knutsen. 2012. M44 Non-lethal Device Testing At CEI on Swift Fox, (Vulpes velox) Report (2012), Prepared for Department of Wildland Resources, USDA-WS-NWRC Predator Research Facility, Logan, UT by Cochrane Ecological Institute, PO Box 484, Cochrane AB T4C 1A7, Canada, November 28, 2012